Widget Jones

web development from scratch & original graphic design




Product : Brochure A4

Identity Template page #1

Titre de paragraphe #1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla laoreet fringilla ex at porttitor. Pellentesque blandit at quam eget fermentum. Nam vel aliquet nunc, vitae volutpat odio. Ut sollicitudin dolor et nibh malesuada, aliquam dapibus nunc dapibus. Nam risus tellus, scelerisque nec tempus id, consectetur ut lorem. Quisque convallis neque a diam eleifend, sit amet facilisis velit feugiat. Maecenas in libero ac dui imperdiet posuere et id mi. Curabitur volutpat eget arcu ut aliquet. Nullam rhoncus non tortor ac accumsan.

Image caption | Default Image : Oblong / Low Resolution

Nota Bene

Demo Website

Target -

For now, this website serves as a demonstration and platform of experiences in web development and UX Design made from-scratch in HTML / CSS / JS and PHP.

Content -

Website content is entirely fictitious. It presents text paragraphs only in Lorem Ipsum and a single image model.

Elodie Bayet, Graphic Designer & Web Developer

Page Details [PHP]

• DNS → widget-jones.com | string

• URL → widget-jones.com/en/identities/identity-prototypepage-1.php | string

• LANG → en | string

• DIR → identities | string

• EXT → .php | string

• FILE → identity-prototypepage-1 | string

• PAGE ID → 3 | integer

• SUB-PAGE ID → 2 | integer

• TITLE → Identity Template page #1 | string

• META-DESC → Preview of an Identity prototype-page #1. | string

• META-IMG → widget_jones_prototype_1 | string

• INFOS → Logos, Icons, graphic identity kits... | Logos, Icons, graphic identity kits...

• TYPE → Brochure A4 | Brochure A4

• DATE → 2018-10-15 | 2018-10-15